Monday, January 2, 2012

Reinventing our World, One Woman at a Time

by Beth Collins
2011 was a transformative year for Elizabeth’s House.  Women from all over the country have heard our message of reinvention and are asking to be part of this community.  And since we don’t advertise our services, we know that word-of-mouth is powerful.  Women in Toledo, Ohio have become models for women everywhere.  They’re models for what can happen when you take some time to rethink what’s possible, become willing to do things differently, and begin to believe in yourself.  These women are not only talking about change, they’re embracing it.  Their lives reflect it, and the world is better as a result.  Imagine a world where women hold each other accountable for finding their best and bringing it forward without fear, a world where women are encouraged to create lives that feel authentic, a world where women are happy.  I can imagine that world because I created it at Elizabeth’s House. 
In 2012 Elizabeth’s House is going to reinvent our world, one woman at a time.  Want to know how?  We’re going to keep doing what we do, with intention, with integrity, with a sense of adventure, willing to get it “wrong” occasionally, and having a lot of fun.  We’ll continue to invite women to do the same through our reinvention programs, creative incubators, and endless individual support.  In the meantime, here’s the 2011 “Ta Da!” list that was created during a recent gathering.  If you haven’t taken the time to acknowledge and celebrate the forward movement of 2011 for yourself, this list might inspire you! 
Individual transformations:
  • Got married and created a ceremony with integrity
  • Left a job I hated and that hurt my body, then became certified as a fitness professional so I can help others get strong and fit
  • Found an important connection with my daughter
  • Became a defender of fabulousness
  • Lost 15 lbs.
  • I found myself and I like her
  • Moved a big block in my life and can conceive my true potential
  • Let go of a lot of random “stuff” and my random thinking
  • Was able to be funny “on purpose”
As a community we:
  • Tried new things
  • Supported others dreams that transformed us
  • Made good friends
  • Stopped reacting and started responding with heart
  • Found joy, then found more joy, then saw our joy serve others
And we learned:
  • When we pursue passion, money really does follow
  • How to ask for what we need
  • Fun is essential
  • Adventure is a priority
  • How to say no to things that don’t serve us (like jobs and relationships)
  • It’s okay to be big
  • We really are creative
Have a blessed and happy new year!