Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get Connected

Last Saturday a group of women completed my four-week Get Connected Program.   The participants shared their genuine appreciation for a simple approach that connected them to a clear awareness of who they are in the world and the gifts they bring.  As they pondered all the possibilities this newfound awareness brings to their lives and expressed excitement for living purposefully, I had to giggle when one of the women asked “can it really be this easy?”  Well, yes is the simple answer but I understand asking the question.  When we’re surrounded with negativity it can be a challenge to be the “happy” one in the group.  When we recognize that life is supposed to be fun and all we have to do is remember what that means to us life takes on new meaning.   Okay it may not change the whole world but I promise you it will change yours.  Sound too easy?  So what if it is?  Aren’t you about ready for something to be?  The next Get Connected Program starts Tuesday April 26 (9:00 am – 10:30 am) and it would be my privilege to share something simple and profound with you.  Register for the four weeks by calling or emailing Beth Collins, 419-356-5544 or 

Soul Service

Caroline Myss talking about “soul service” is a great description of the work we do at Elizabeth’s House.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Are You Ready for a Fresh Start?

Are you ready for a fresh start?  Most of the women I talk with would say YES!  But the idea of “reinventing” some area of their lives sounds like work and that leaves them uninspired to begin.  I look at a fresh start as an opportunity to begin again, not from the beginning- but from where I am right now, knowing what I know and able to make different choices and perhaps this time, get the desired result.  Thanks to a newspaper article published in The Blade this week,  click here to read article I have had many conversations with women who have expressed their desire for change.  When asked what part of the article inspired them to call or stop by Elizabeth’s House, the majority answer was the idea that they didn’t have to be in a full-blown crisis to get the support they needed.  The women’s response also supported a growing trend that has my attention.  Women over 60 who have left their careers or jobs to semi or fully retire are realizing they want a lot more from their lives.  While they aren’t exactly sure what that looks like, they’re pretty darn sure of what it doesn’t.  Would it surprise anyone to know that they aren’t fulfilled by taking care of grandchildren, dealing with their own children returning home, or their volunteer work?  If so, you might also be surprised at what these women are thinking or are actually doing instead.  Some are finally writing their book and publishing J, some are returning to school just because, some are picking up the paint brush again, while others are climbing mountains, or going on amazing adventures.  The point is that age is not a factor when we’re talking about reinventing our lives.  We’re never too old for a fresh start.   The process is the same and it is that process that I am passionate about.  April is a fresh start for me and Elizabeth’s House and I am excited to share it with others.  During my much-needed sabbatical this winter I refined my personal vision that led me to more clearly define my professional mission.  I will be sharing that in the coming months at Elizabeth’s House among other places, but for now I ask you to consider an area of your life that is calling you for your own fresh start.  No matter what your circumstances, social, marital or economic status, regardless of your age, race, or any other title you can think of, call or stop by Elizabeth’s House to begin again.  I’ll be there inviting you to create space, explore G.R.A.I.S., get connected, get clear, and get going.  Others will be there to provide endless support, enthusiasm, and resources for your fresh start.